Carpet Cleaning Rotherhithe, SE16

carpet cleaningTo ensure the healthy and hygienic atmosphere in your home and working place, use our qualitative carpet cleaning services, provided in Rotherhithe, SE16. They are done by qualified and experienced cleaning technicians who use the most advanced cleaning equipment and eco-friendly detergents, solvents and dry powder. The cleaning technicians will choose the most suitable cleaning procedures and use vacuum cleaning or steam cleaning machines. They will disinfect the carpet, removing the dirt and dust gathered deep in its fabric. The cleaning solution injected and the powder sprayed on the carpet will extract the grime and stains from it till it becomes impeccable.

Our Cleaning Experts

He is full of energy and ready to proof that even the newest co-workers could do the cleaning job as good as the most experienced in the field.


He is the most experienced carpet technician. For 3 years he took care of more than 4500 stained and dirty carpets.


He admits that the satisfaction of the Customer is the most important thing for him and that is what makes him develop himself.


He has more than 7 years experience as a professional technician and he became supervisor of the team performing the carpet cleaning.

Carpet Cleaning in Rotherhithe from HomeMates

The performance of our professional carpet cleaning services will certainly impress you. Our agency’s employees will visit your home, no matter in which part of the city of London you live, and will execute a carpet cleaning right away. We don’t ask our clients to bring their upholstery possessions to our office because we understand that this is very difficult. We prefer to send our team to your address and save you the troubles of moving your carpets. You will have the chance to select a disinfecting procedure yourself and reserve it over the phone in advance. Our company’s carpet cleaning services can be also booked in Rotherhithe, SE16.

E-mail us at or simply call us on 020 3745 4377 and our customer care team will gladly explain you even the smallest details about our cleaning services.

Carpet Cleaning Prices
Living Room Carpet
from £4
from £23
from £25
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    Steam Cleaners in Rotherhithe

    Our agency is a specialist in carpet cleaning in Rotherhithe, SE16. We have seen a lot throughout the years and are prepared to deal with any situation concerning a dirty carpet. Our company is the best choice for many Londoners due to its straightforward pricing and trained technicians that understand well our customers’ needs. We offer stain treatment and odour removal, apart from vacuuming and steam cleaning. Our service is thorough and worthwhile. If you want to book one, we suggest you contact us as soon as you can. Our call centre is open for you and everyone else. It serves clients 24/7. Get in touch.

    Professional Carpet Cleaners Rotherhithe, SE16

    Don’t bother searching for effective carpet cleaning products in the shops because our professional company can offer you something better. The specialised carpet disinfecting procedure which we execute will finally give you the results that you’ve been trying to achieve for quite some time. Our certified experts will carry their state-of-the-art equipment to your home or another real estate property and will spend as much time as necessary in there, until your upholstery possessions become flawless. Our professional company can provide you with reasonably priced cleaning services which will improve significantly the condition of your carpets right away. Ask about our excellent procedures in Rotherhithe, SE16.