Gardening Services Rotherhithe, SE16

gardeningIf looking for a friendly, courteous, genuine gardening or lawn maintenance service inside the London city, give a chance to our company which is easily accessible to all potential clients around the London city since it is suitably placed in a commercially active, central London region Rotherhithe, SE16. You can obtain highly sought after services like lawn treatment, lawn mowing, basic gardening, pruning, cutting, trimming, hedging, garden cleanups etc, at any time. So, whenever you wish, just get connected to us to obtain a friendly and professional garden maintenance service from the deft, dependable, trustworthy, local gardeners of our London based gardening services company.

Our Gardening Experts

He has been working for our company for 3 years as a Professional Gardener. With 10 years experience in the field he managed to cover more than 3500 addresses.


He works for our company for 1 year already. As he is specialised in shaping the bushes, lawn mowing and grass cutting, he helps to numerous Customers to maintain their gardens on daily bases.

Gardening Services Rotherhithe from HomeMates

When you have a garden you need it well maintained and always in good condition. In order to achieve this you may need our professional gardening services for Rotherhithe, SE16, London. We are ready to offer you:

  • Professional gardeners’ services – our team is trained and experienced to ensure always good results
  • We use environmental-friendly fertilizers when needed
  • Our prices include the equipment and the tools we will need to maintain, clean and take care of your garden and plants
  • We perform our services regardless the weather
  • We are fast and efficient

If you have any enquiry or if you would like to get a quote, just give us a call on 020 3745 4377 or send us e-mail on!

We provide more services in Rotherhithe

Do you own a magnificent garden in the London city? If you own a beautiful garden in London, you are indeed a wealthy and fortunate person, but have you ever thought about maintenance of your garden? A large, exquisite garden requires regular maintenance and it will be difficult for you to take good care of a large garden without booking a professional service to execute the regular gardening chores. We are a famed, experienced gardening services company in Rotherhithe, SE16, London that employs disciplined, reliable, self-confident, highly motivated, professional gardeners who are devoted to their clients, and conscientiously work & perform their duties.

Gardening Services Prices
Lawn MowingHedge TrimmingTree
Professional Gardening
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    Professional Gardening Rotherhithe, SE16

    In Rotherhithe, SE16, London our gardening services company is famous for its friendly approach, high professionalism and wonderful services. We can also include in our performance the great prices we offer to all customers.

    We offer great variety of all gardening services you may need – from the lawn mowing up to the special design tips, our professional gardeners will help you and will maintain your garden properly.

    With proper tools and equipment we can ensure wonderful results and jealous looks from the neighbours.

    Call today and check all details you are interested in.